Accessory Dwelling Units – Zoning Text Amendment ZTA 19-01
ZTA 19-01 (sponsored by CM Hans Riemer) is designed to remove many restrictions on the construction and rental of Accessory Dwelling Units. The objective of the amendment is to increase housing stock to help alleviate a shortage that is regarded as a housing crisis by County Planners and County Council.
This is understandable, but many residents have concerns that should be considered. This legislation should not expedited through the Council prior to taking these issues into account and dealing with them.
Relevant documents and a critique are provided below.
Documents from Meredith Wellington:
To read Meredith Wellington’s letter of July 17 to the Montgomery
County Council concerning amendments to ZTA 19-01- Accessory Dwelling Units, click on this link below:
Meredith Wellington letter to Council
To read The Citizens Coordinating Committee on Friendship Heights endorsement letter, signed by Chair Melanie Rose White, click below:
CCCFH endorses Wellington Letter of July 17
Documents from CM Hans Riemer, Sponsor of ZTA 19-01:
To review the draft ZTA 19-01 amendment, click on this link:
ZTA 19-01 ADUS – as of 01 15 2019
CM Riemer provided a summary sheet of changes in his presentation to the public of ZTA 19-01. To review this document, click on this link:
ZTA 19-01 ADUS – RIEMER PRESENT 01192019
Summary Comparison and Critique Courtesy of Former Planning Board Member, Meredith Wellington:
To review Ms. Wellington’s summary of changes, click on this link:
ADUs-Current Zoning vs. ZTA 19-1 – M Wellington
Ms. Wellington also provided an analysis/critique of the amendment. To review that, click on this link:
ADUs – ZTA 19-1 Fact Sheet M Wellington
Critique of ZTA 19-01 by Prof. David Lublin
David Lublin is Professor of Government in the School of Public Affairs at American University and the former Mayor of the Town of Chevy Chase. Opinions are those of the post author.
Professor Lublin’s critique of ZTA 19-01 was presented in three posts on his blog, “The Seventh State:”
For the readers convenience, those three posts are combined into one document that can be accessed here:
Critique of ZTA 19-01 David Lublin