CCCFH Critique of Regency Centers’ Westwood Preliminary Plan & Site Plan
The Planning Board approved Regency’s plans with conditions. CCCFH Critique of Regency’s plans was comprehensive and formed part of the CCCFH testimony in the public hearing for approval of the plans. The link below is to the CCCFH critique.
CCCFH Comments to PB on Regency Westwood Plans 03112019 CCCFH has submitted further comments on the site plan for the Kensington of Bethesda facility, as has the Little Falls Watershed Alliance.
Issues for February 28, 2019 Meeting With Regency Centers Regarding Westwood Redevelopment Plans
Illustrated Summary of Issues for Discussion
The link below summarizes the concerns of the CCCFH regarding the current plans submitted by Regency Centers to the Planning Dept. for the redevelopment of Westwood.